Cancer is a growing challenge for society. Its incidence increases with the aging of the population and cancer is turning into a chronic disease. Beside progress in classical treatment approaches, many innovative therapies are emerging. Beyond survival, better quality-of-life and costs become prominent issues.
To face these challenges, academic hospitals and universities are developing comprehensive cancer centers, integrating multidisciplinary care managed in a quality-oriented manner, clinical / translational research and teaching. A focus on patient and innovation allows creating organized networks, in which cooperation is set forth instead of competition.
Thus, OncoCare Project gathers teams from 6 academic institutions dedicated to providing optimized care to patients in the Euregio, constantly seeking to improve services via 3 actions (T1-T2-T3).
T1. Patient-centered Medicine
The main aim of this first axis is to improve the comfort of the patient, maintain professional oncological care and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of research in the Euregio, while guaranteeing the highest level of medical quality and helping to empower our patients in a very significant way, thanks to 3 closely related sub-actions: